Queen Rocks

This page contains the German charts for Queen Rocks (and other Queen releases) from Nov. 97 to May 98.

Top 100
The Album The Single and...
Queen Rocks No-One But You Greatest Hits 2
before ???
3.11.97 released 43
10.11.97 - # 31
17.11.97 12 41
24.11.97 13 released 51
1.12.97 17 - # 64
8.12.97 31 75 59
15.12.97 46 91 79
22.12.97 58 93 79
Charts of the Year - - 72
Dune, 'Who Wants To Live Forever': 49
5.1.98 45 93 85
12.1.98 51 98 74
19.1.98 78 - 88
26.1.98 - - 87
2.2.98 - - 98
9.2.98 - - -
6th week 98 - - -
They've changed now to Wednesday dates - closer to the chart's compilation (see also below).
- - -
# Note: The official dates (Mondays) of the charts are somewhat strange: they are always published on Friday (on VIVA text), and I even once saw it on the international charts page on MTVtext on Wednesday afternoon! Result is: I don't know when they are compiled - but it usually takes one week after a release that this release is in the charts...

Since June 98 (for Brian's new album), there's a separate page.

www.ag1.de/queen -